Kamis, 03 Januari 2008

My daddy's patient

I dunno,,but i think maybe i have to write down my story.

It feels like a very long journey to knowing the truth that my heart always speak up..

When u look at my eyes, what do u see?
Is that the same like what u see 5 years ago?
Two years ago?
One year ago?

Is that the same eyes that screaming
And suffering from such a violence?

Is that the eyes that tell you innocently,,
Im not happy.

Being weird, being freak, being unique, being un-extraordinary
Alas,,a wrong way,,the lust that speak,,follows the step of what heart say,,

Bored of being bad, wanna change to good, but the way isnt easy,,

The begginig wasnt the middle,,the middle isnt the future,,

Climb high and drop off.

Shud i feel what i feel?
Shud i be a man completely?

Say that im hypocrit, i do.
Say im trying to be good, i do.
Say that im weird, i am.

Im not innocent, guys,,i always pretend to be good, while i dunno who me.
Do this and that because of you, not because of Lord!!

What do i want to do?
Walkin down step by step?
Be good and try appreciate myself?
Try to let me know that i may live and not anyone else who say,,

Try to achieve whatever little think that i done well,,


The situation is even wrose since i dislike my study,,

My oh My lord,,
Thanks for a nice dad for a struggle mom.

What a patient daddy he is..

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